Thursday 15 December 2016


I may not be around for a while as I am going through the process of working out in which direction to go with my next two exhibitions, so a bit of brain time is necessary.
This is the quiet time of the year followed by the solstice and other festivities and the awakening of the earth though with the mild weather we have been having there are already signs of these. Seasons greetings to all.


  1. As well to you, Debbie. Recharge and plan well. Can't wait to see your next exhibit!

  2. will look forward to how it all goes for you...
    Love to you...

  3. It's a good time to think. The Dark encourages reflection. Enjoy the Still Sun; and allow the creative process to flow. X

  4. "May we humans live in such a way that the land for whom we are grateful, will be grateful for our presence, in return."
    Robin Wall Kimmerer

  5. good thought-gathering-time!
    and also, the best wishes for 2017
    looking forward to seeing where you go
