Saturday, 1 March 2014

Progress and learning new things

After reading Annabel Rainbow  extremely useful entry on copyright I have finally managed to upload a photo with a copyright symbol on it by using Picasa. How pleased I am with myself, thing is will I be able to do it again? Lets hope so, it has taken me a whole day to get this far.
Anyway I am getting a move on now, next time I show this it will be completed and ready for hanging I hope.


  1. Wonderfull weaving, best regard from Belgium

  2. I am fascinated by this glimpse of your loom - how big is it and how is it supported?

    1. Hi, This is actually my mum's loom made by somebody local and not one I normally use. Basically its a frame, you can use artists stretchers, old picture frames or make your own. It then has nails bashed into it at regular intervals, top and bottom, these can be in a straight line or staggered as here. This frame is 40x44cms, most of my work is quite small. Its fixed to the table with clamps, mine came from Handweavers in London years ago.
      I am going away for a few days but when I get back I'll take some photos of the clamps and the loom I normally use for small pieces.
